Logo del Archivo Municipal de Castellón de la Plana


El tesoro escondido (entre 1928 y 1930) 1
Tesoros y hallazgos del Museo de BB. AA. de Castellón : Del 15 de diciembre de 2009 al 7 de febrero del 2010 (2010) 1
Test de rotllocanyewski : (píndoles magdaleneres): Magdalena 2004 (2004) 1
Los testaferros (188?) 1
El Testament del Retor : cuento (1914) 1
El testamento de Carlos II (1944) 1
El testamento de Carlos VII y el Manifiesto del cura de Alcabón (1872) 1
El testamento de D. Enrique de Borbón (1870) 1
Testamento de Fernando VII, y herencia de Cristina (1833) 1
El testamento de un excéntrico (188?) 1
Testamento del poeta Zorrilla (189?) 1
Un testigo silencioso = (A silent witness) (1936) 1
Texto articulado de la Ley de régimen local : [16 de diciembre de 1950] (1951) 1
Textos básicos de la organización internacional (1955) 1
Textos de Embajadas : Monforte del Cid (Alicante) : 1999 (1999) 1
Textos situacionistas : crítica de la vida cotidiana (1973) 1
Textos sobre Hegel (197?) 1
Textos y documentos de historia moderna y contemporánea : (siglos XVIII-XX) (1985) 1
Textos y ejercicios para el Estudio de la Literatura (1922) 1
Thamar : La amante de Judá (1926) 1
The Anniversary, an Elegant Literary Present : And illustred with beautiful engravings of steel (1846) 1
The Attic Miscellany and Characteristic Mirror of Men and Things : Including the Correspondent's Museum (1789-1790) 1
The Book of the Illustrious Henries (1858) 1
The Brigands : for pianoforte solo (19--?) 1
The British Museum, the Townley Gallery (1836) 1
The Cabinet History of England: an abridgment of the chapters entitled “Civil and Military History in "the Pictorial History of England”, with a continuation to the present time (1845-1847) 1
The complete works, in philosophy, politics and morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin (1806-1811) 1
The concise Oxford dictionary of current english : Based on The Oxford English Dictionay and its Suplements (1976) 1
The correspondence of Johann Caspar Goethe (1946) 1
The Dramatic Works of W. Shakspeare : From the text of Johnson, Steevens and Reed with s biographical Memoir, summary remarks on each play, copios glossary, and variorum notes: Embellished with a potrait of Shaksphare and many woods cuts (1842) 1
The Female Experience : An American Documentary (1992) 1
The film Blasco Ibáñez o la Gloria de Valensia : apropósit en un prólec y un acte, dividit en dos cuadros, en prosa (1921) 1
"The five o' clock tea" (1920) 1
The Gate of the Pacific (1863) 1
The history of London : illustrated by views in London & Westminister (1838) 1
The Holy Bible : Containing the Old and New Testaments : Translated out of the original tongues... (1875) 1
The illustrated Book of English Songs from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century (ca. 1850) 1
The Land of Lorne Or, A Poet's Adventures in the Scottish Hebrides, Including the Cruise of the Tern to the Outer Hebrides (1871) 1
The lawyer in the scool-room comprising of all the states on important educational subjects (1867) 1
The Life and Travels of Mungo Park in Africa (1850?) 1